[gate-users] Image Reconstruction of Gate output

Nehmeh, Sadek/Medical Physics nehmehs at mskcc.org
Tue Jan 4 18:03:20 CET 2005

Here it is again.


-----Original Message-----
From: gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
[mailto:gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch] On Behalf Of Mutanga
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 10:12 AM
To: Long ZHANG; GATE feedback and helpline for Users
Subject: Re:RE: RE: [gate-users] Image Reconstruction of Gate output

Hello Sadek,

sorry I am bothering you again but I'd like to show you the changes I
made to your code:

1) GEAdvance3D_Sinogram_Bin.c

#define  NUMBER_OF_RINGS               24 //     Advance/DLS)
#define  CRYSTALS_PER_RING            420 //     Discov$#define 
SINOGRAM_WIDTH               249 //        (or 223 according to STIR ??)
#define  MAX_THETA                     11 //
#define  FOV                          600 //
#define  SLICES_PER_FOV                47 //


 // Update the different arrays...

         if (u>=0 && u<223)    <<<< I changed this to 223 or 249 ? !!!!
             sinogram_counts[ring2][ring1] += 1;

3) Gate_to_Stir.c

int nRings = 24;                // Number of rings in the GE Advance
  int Num_sinos = nRings*nRings;
  int   nPHI = 210;               // Number of angular bins in the
  int   nU = 223;                 // Number of radial bins in the

4)These slices per segment I got from the headers created by

int num_slices_per_segment[23] =
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,47};  //Number
of projection planes per segment


 printf("Please enter the absoute number of segments you would like to
reconstruct (0, -> 22):


//Process segments 23->2
 printf("Processing segments 23 -> 2... \n");
 for (ring1= (num_segments+1); ring1>1; ring1--)

7) I didn't know how to change the 17 ? what does it do here ?
 r1 = ring1;
      while (r1<17)
          r1 = ring1 +  c;
          r2 = r1 - ring1;

//goto NEXT2;

  //Process segments -2->-23
  printf("Processing segments 2 -> 23... \n");
  for (ring2=2; ring2< (num_segments + 2); ring2++)
      int c = 0;
      r2 = ring2;

Well Those are the things I modified, but I think there is a great deal
more to change because when I use the manip_proj_data from Stir on the
projection data, it doesn't look good at all.

Hope to hear from you soon


> Dear Sadek,
> That's great if you can implement the DST code. It looks almost
> My idea is to build a generic framework based on your code. With this
> framework,
> the coding work will be greatly simplified for new scanner. It's a
> abstracted
> layer which can call different set of functions for a different
> It's
> pretty important when porting it to GATE, for not only the
> but also
> the optimised design.
> So it's very important to know root script characters, such as
> functions,
> or object oriented characters like dynamic binding, etc. Or I think a
> input
> parameter file or a static table is needed (like STIR). I only know
> is C/C++
> like, but no deeper study.
> Helps is highly appreciated!
> Regards,
> Long
> In your mail:
>>From:"Nehmeh, Sadek/Medical Physics" <nehmehs at mskcc.org>
>>Reply-To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users
>> <gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>>To: "GATE feedback and helpline for Users"
<gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>>Subject: RE: RE: [gate-users] Image Reconstruction of Gate output
>>Dear Theodore and Long,
>>Yes I'm back, and sorry for taking me time replying to your emails.
>>Long, I think what you have suggested in your previous email regarding
>>evaluating the sinogram binner for the DST, and try to incorporate it
>>with GATE, is a great idea. Meanwhile, I am also testing that for the
>>DST configuration. Hopefully I will get back to you tomorrow with my
>>Theodore, for your NEMA measurements, I know O. Mawlawi at M.D.
>>did the NEMA2001 measurements for the DST. It was published in the JNM
>>(J Nucl Med. 2004 Oct;45(10):1734-42); you may wana refer to that, and
>>reproduce their analysis method, for comparison.
>>	Cheers,
>>	Sadek
>>Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 11:30 AM
>>To: Long ZHANG; GATE feedback and helpline for Users
>>Subject: Re:RE: [gate-users] Image Reconstruction of Gate output
>>Hi Long,
>>it seems Sadek is back, have you written to him about the code ?
>>By the way I was simulating the ECAT exact hr+ and I would like to
>>compare my results with someone Here is what I had for the resolution
>>measurements , NEMA 2001 !
>>transverse @ 1cm = 8.3 mm
>>axial @1 cm 11.5 mm
>>transverse radial @ 10cm = 10.59mm
>>transverse tangential@ 10cm = 10.66mm
>>axial @10cm 10.31 mm
>>I wish to find out from the GATE users if these look reasonable, I was
>>planning to do measurements myself on the ecat but I dont have acceess
>>to one since initially I was simulating the DST. Also in the NEMA 2001
>>there is no mention about matrix size for reconstruction , doesnt this
>>affect the resolution ? I did not correct for anythin in the data from
>>GATE , would it be better to correct for randoms, scatter ect , if so
>>HOW (using GATE ?)?
>>> Dear Kris,
>>> Thank you very much.
>>> It seems that I have mistake the sinogram width (angle position) as
>>> sinogram length (view number, or tangential bin number, or
>>> displacement position).
>>> Am I
>>> right now?
>>> Regards,
>>> Long
>>> In your mail:
>>>>From:"Kris Thielemans" <kris.thielemans at csc.mrc.ac.uk>
>>>>Reply-To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users
>>>><gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>>>>To: "'Long ZHANG'" <zhanglong99 at tsinghua.org.cn>,
>>>   "'GATE feedback and helplinefor Users'"
>>> <gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>>>>Subject: RE: [gate-users] Image Reconstruction of Gate output
>>>>> BTW, I was pussled by the sinogram width of DST (420 crystal per
>>>>> ring). The number 249 is larger than the 420/2 = 210. How can DST
>>>>> get the extra LORs of 39? By interpolation? Could this help to
>>>>> improve the spatial resolution? Thank you!
>>>>Notation: N= num_detectors per ring
>>>>Why do you think that the max sinogram width is N /2? This is a
>>>>hardware choice (recent CTI scanners tend to have
>>>>The 'physical' maximum of LORs in 2D sinograms is (N^2-N)/2 (i.e.
>>>>lines between pairs of detectors, excluding the degenerate cases,
>>>>identifying det pairs ij and ji). The max number of views is N/2
>>>>(you'd expect N, but it's halved because of interleaving). So, the
>>>>sinogram width is something like (N-1)
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