[gate-users] Simulation of scintillator and PMT

Sebastien JAN jan at shfj.cea.fr
Thu Aug 11 11:00:52 CEST 2005


> Hi all,
> Is it possible to simulate PET detector by GATE, such as a block of 
> 8*8 
> crystal coupled by 2*2 PMT with slotted lightguide. 

you can simulate the crystal block but remenber that we can not simulate 
directly the scintillation and the light collection.
You can try to mimic the light collection system with the digitizer 
chain (see usersguide for details)


I just want to get
> some simulation investigation about performance of scintillator-PMT, 
> especially flood field image. Thanks.
> Best regards
> Yun Dong
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