[gate-users] Re: gate-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 12

Christian Wietholt cwietholt at nhri.org.tw
Tue Aug 9 03:54:46 CEST 2005

Thanks Sebastien for looking into the memory problem. There must be someone
else that has similar issues with the gcc-3.4 compiler as Dr. Hsu and myself have.

BTW, does anybody have similar experiences with the spblurring? The blurring
seems only to have an effect in the y-dimension, z seems to be unchanged.
Currently, I am reinstalling GATE 1.2.0 to see if this is a bug introduced into 2.2.
I am also testing the gcc-3.4 on a different computer at the same time.
I will keep you updated.


> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 13:15:28 +0200
> From: Sebastien JAN
> Subject: Re: [gate-users] Re: gate-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 11
> To: Ching-Han Hsu , GATE feedback and helpline
> for Users
> Message-ID: <42F73ED0.3090909 at shfj.cea.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> Hi All,
> > I had similar problem when I run the program on Fedora 4 with gcc-4.0 as
> > Dr. Wietholt mentioned in his previous mail. When running the PET bench
> > mark, the program would use up all memory before it quits itself.
> Gate is not validated for gcc 4.0 (same case for g4 7.0.p01)
> > However, none of this has been observed when the package was compiled
> > using gcc 3.3 under Fedora 3. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
> Actually, gate_v2.2.0 is tested and validated for gcc 3.3 and 3.4 with
> the Fedora distribution.
> I have no experience with the Debian distribution and I can't explain
> now why you have some problems with gcc 3.4
> If some users have the same troubles, let me know.
> Cheers
> Seb

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