[gate-users] New public release of GATE

Sebastien JAN jan at shfj.cea.fr
Wed Aug 3 15:33:14 CEST 2005

Dear Users,

The OpenGATE collaboration is happy to inform you that two new versions
of GATE have been released to public today.
As you will see on the gate-users download page, the 2 versions are:

1/ gate_v2.1.0 (Geant4 6.2.p02)
2/ gate_v2.2.0 (Geant4 7.0.p01)

The most important modifications (about Voxelized phantom, coincidence 
sorter....) are described in the file ReleaseNotes.pdf (for each 
version). All details are explained in the new Users Guide which is on 
our web site.
For the installation, plateforms supported and recommended, benchmark 
modifications (only for the PET benchmark) all informations are included 
in the last version of the Installation Guide.

I wish you will enjoy running the new versions of GATE.

Yours sincerely,

Sebastien Jan
Technical Coordinator of the OpenGATE Collaboration

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