[gate-users] Re: How to input a history file

GUEZ David dguez at cea.fr
Tue Aug 2 00:37:26 CEST 2005

Mikhail Shilov a écrit :

>Thanks everyone for the insightful replies. Sorry, I wasn't very clear in describing what I wanted to do but many has guessed anyway. 
>Yes, I was thinking about a way of uploading "hits" type information (i.e. particle location and velocity vectors) at some boundary crossing location and then continue particle transport to the detectors in Gate. This way we can take advantage of the convenient Gate detector geometry interface but avoid significant simulation slow down due to the slow particle transport simulation in voxelized phantoms in Gate. So digiGate is not the answer since we still need to do particle transport in Gate  (in vacuum, collimator, crystall, etc...)
>The first option that you mentioned is exactly what I was looking for. Since I just started working with Gate and don't know the locations of the particular modules, could you tell me where to look for the GEANT4 particle generator links in Gate code. Thanks a lot.
the class GateGeneralParticleSource, and more precisely, its 
GeneratePrimaryVertex method is the concrete descendent of the
G4VPrimaryGenerator GEANT4 class which is the class to derive to the 
particle generation. It may be the point where to implement a parser 
from external generator and Geant4. I think that one should implement a 
new GateExternalXXXGenerator which derive from G4VPrimaryGenerator and 
which shoould be implemented, following the user request, instead of the 

I hope this will helps,


**  David GUEZ                                                 **
**  ^^^^^^^^^^                                                 **
**                                                             **
**  Service de Physique Nucléaire |                            **
**  CEA Saclay                    | mail :dguez at cea.fr         **
**  DSM/DAPNIA/SPHN               | tel : (+33) 1 69 08 33 68  **
**  91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex    | fax : (+33) 1 69 08 75 84  **
**  Bat. 703/p. 104               |                            **
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