[gate-users] More Root trees/branches?

Aurélien Vasseur aurelien-vasseur at caramail.com
Fri Apr 22 16:20:35 CEST 2005

Dear Gate users,

I just want to know how add more Root trees and/or br
anches (to get for example stepID or the kinetic energy of the particle -
not only for positron). Do flags exist, or something else? I'm quite newb
ie in C++ and I don't really understand how to do it. I think I have to m
odifie GateToRoot classes (.hh and .cc and the same with Messenger),and G
ateCrystalHit, GateRootDefs, GateRootHitBuffer, etc. But I would avoid to
 forget some files... Is it possible?

Aurelien Vasseur

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