[gate-users] Installation problems

Mutanga Theodore muathe02 at student.umu.se
Fri Sep 17 11:21:10 CEST 2004

Hello to all you you,
I am from Umeå university and I am supposed to use GATE for part of my
Masters thesis project,
I have been trying to install GATE for the past five days with no success.
I have been using a redhat linux 9 box and now I am thinking of installing
Debian linux. I have also tried with Fedora Core 1 but I always run into
problems especially with installing ROOT.
What i would love is if anyone knows, some more easy to follow tutorials,
other than the one from GATE website, or if someone knows some sites where
I can get the ROOT software RPM, I am more used to working with RPMs and I
think if anyone can point me to where I can have RPMs for GATE,ROOT,CLHEP
and GEANT4  , all my problems will be solved.
Otherwise, I'll get debian Linux and try installing again, The reason for
the Debian is that I have found some easy to follow installation tutorials
for GATE on Debian.


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