[gate-users] Counts vs. time slice

Corinne J Groiselle corinne.groiselle at umassmed.edu
Sat Sep 4 01:29:47 CEST 2004

Hi Angela,

At the end of your macro, remove all the lines about time and especially 
the following line:

Instead, you should use

/run/beamOn NbrOfEvents

where NbrOfEvents is the number of annihilations you want to generate.


Angela M K Foudray wrote:

>Does anyone know if you can simulate for a certain number of Coincidence
>events instead of a certain amount of time?  I.E.
>/gate/application/setCoincCountsStop 10000
>instead of
>/gate/application/setTimeStop 1 s
>I'm running a bunch of batch jobs and I want a particular amount of
>statistics and I don't care how long in simulation time it takes.
>gate-users mailing list
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Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD
Research instructor

Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655

_phone_: (508)-856-6123 - fax: (508)-856-4572
_e-mail_: Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu
_professional homepage_: http://users.umassmed.edu/corinne.groiselle
_personal homepage_: http://corinne.groiselle.free.fr

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