[gate-users] splitting a GATE simulation by TIME

Qianmei Zhang qzhang at triumf.ca
Thu Nov 25 18:47:05 CET 2004

Thanks Sophie,

I haven't got the code yet, so could i ask you send it to me?

What i want to do is, i want run the Gate with the same macro input file 
except the time slices on different computers at the same time.  Such as: 

job1 to computer one
/gate/application/setTimeStart 0 s
/gate/application/setTimeStop 120 s

job2 to computer two
/gate/application/setTimeStart 120 s
/gate/application/setTimeStop 240 s

job3 to comuter two
/gate/application/setTimeStart 240 s
/gate/application/setTimeStop 360 s


to make sure that the results from different jobs are independed, what should i do?

I tried to use the command 
/random/resetEngineFrom endOFRun1.rndm  in job1
/random/resetEngineFrom endOFRun2.rndm  in job1
/random/resetEngineFrom endOFRun3.rndm  in job1
so that the random number will be called from the different files. Then i changed the random numbers (from the second number in the endOfRun.rndm) in each file to make sure that random numbers in different file are different. My question is: Am i right to doing so. If yes, how many random numbers i should change? I tried to change one random number and found out the random numbers from the endOfRun have changed completely from a short run.

Can you explain the meaning of the first and last four numbers(c, cd,cm etc) in the endOfRun.rndm file to me, such as

0.5340437222388168 0.237095993106945 0.9010642875552599 0.7182339021151375 0.04671893085107159 0.6747511619345737 .....

0.7930237054824829 0.5623308420181274 0.9999998211860657

It seems that index of the random number is from 0, that is, u(0)=0.5340437222388168

Thank you again.


Sophie Kerhoas wrote:

>  of course, you can use the combine.C program. Do you want I send the
>files to you or have you already the code from Dirk?
>Concerning the random seed, to make sure that two successive identical
>(I mean same conditions for your simulation) jobs are independent, you
>just have to put in your macro the line :
> /gate/output/root/setSaveRndmFlag 1
>and 0 if you want to generate the same events.
>hope this help,
>On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 01:07, Qianmei Zhang wrote:
>>Hello Sophie,
>>I meet the same problem as Mutang had. Could i use the combile.c program 
>>by myself as well?  Another quesion is, am i right that i just modify 
>>the seed in the endOfRun.rndm(such as change 9876 to 4382 or whatever) 
>>for each job to make sure that each run is independent? Thanks!
>>Best wishes,

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