[gate-users] RE: [gate-devel] GE Advance

Kris Thielemans kris.thielemans at csc.mrc.ac.uk
Fri Nov 19 22:34:42 CET 2004

> GE Discovery ST and you are using GE ADvance, have you used 
> GATE to model to scanner ? Are you getting any images from 
> you scan ? I'd like to see if you succeded in reconstructing 
> the sinograms, I am stuck in getting a valid sinogram, i have 
> modeled the scanner all right and cheked the geometry, I 
> tried some runs with simple phantoms and sources but the 
> reconstructed sinograms (using STIR) don't show me anything. 


There's no such thing as a reconstructed sinogram. Did you display the
sinograms produced by GATE (e.g. with STIR, but if that doesn't work
with other software that can read ECAT7 sinograms?) On the other hand, I
have no clue how STIR could figure out that this ECAT7 file corresponds
to a Discovery (you'll have to do some tricks by hand as mentioned
before on this list). That shouldn't stop it display it ok of course.
But reconstructing is another matter.


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