[gate-users] benchmark runtime problems

Heath, Christopher Charles christopher.c.heath at vanderbilt.edu
Wed May 26 00:43:24 CEST 2004

After installing Gate, I attempted to run one the SPECT benchmark to ensure it
was installed correctly.  The following error came up:

 Geant4 version $Name:  $
             Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
macro file <visOGL.mac> could not open.
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </vis/viewer/zoom 1.25> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </vis/viewer/zoom 0.5> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 120 60 deg> *****
***** Command ignored *****
        Creating new system based on volume inserter 'SPECThead'
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/SPECThead/ring/setAngularPitch 90. deg> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/insert blurring> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/blurring/setResolution 0.10> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/blurring/setEnergyOfReference
140. keV> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/insert spblurring> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/setSpresolution 2.0
mm> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/verbose 1> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/insert thresholder> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/thresholder/setThreshold 20.
keV> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/insert upholder> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/digitizer/Singles/upholder/setUphold 190. keV> *****
***** Command ignored *****
GATE object:        'systems/SPECThead'
GATE object:        'systems/SPECThead/base'
Attached to volume: SPECThead
Nb of children:       1
        GATE object:        'systems/SPECThead/crystal'
        Attached to volume: crystal
        Nb of children:       1
                GATE object:        'systems/SPECThead/pixel'
                Attached to volume: ---
                Nb of children:       0
Selected processes for gamma physics:
        Rayleigh effect:      lowenergy
        Photoelectric effect: lowenergy
        Compton scattering:   lowenergy
        Gamma conversion:     inactive
 SetCutValueForOthers became obsolete.
 It is harmless to remove this invokation without any side effects.
 This dummy method implementation will be removed soon.
Confirming confinement to volume 'movsource_P'...
 Confinement to volume 'movsource_P' confirmed
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setSaveRndmFlag 1> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setFileName benchSPECT> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootSinglesAdderFlag 1> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootSinglesBlurringFlag 1 > *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootSinglesSpblurringFlag 1>
********** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootSinglesThresholderFlag 1> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootSinglesUpholderFlag 1> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesAdderFlag 0> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesSpblurringFlag 0> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesBlurringFlag 0> *****
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesThresholderFlag 0>
***** Command ignored *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesUpholderFlag 0> *****
***** Command ignored *****

Neither the /gate/output nor /gate/digitizer directories seem to be present. 
However everything else seems to work fine

Heath, Christopher Charles
Vanderbilt University
Email: christopher.c.heath at Vanderbilt.Edu

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