[gate-users] compiling on Mac OSX

Manuel Bardiès manuelbardies at mac.com
Mon May 17 07:54:03 CEST 2004

Hi Paul,

I will amend the install guide accordingly...
Best regards,


Le 17 mai 04, à 03:32, Paul Vaska a écrit :

> Hello again Mac users,
> I was finally able to successfully compile both geant4.5.2.p02 and 
> gate1.0 on my mac G5 running OSX 10.3.3.  I successfully tested it 
> with the PET benchmark provided.  I followed the gate install 
> instructions pdf with the following notes:
> - the _entire_ Mac Developers package needs to be installed, including 
> older gcc versions, since the recommended g++3 command runs gcc 
> version 3.1, not the latest version 3.3 (which seems to have problems)
> - you need to also download the geant4 data files and put them in a 
> data subdirectory
> - in the geant4 configure script, correctly specify ALL the paths for 
> the data files (some of the defaults have /../ in them?!)
> - in the geant4 configure script, you must select the opengl 
> visualization option (and I had trouble when selecting others like 
> VRML which seemed to lead to errors when running gate)
> - you must enter /usr/X11R6 as the OGLHOME path (default is just /usr)
> - the geant4 install claims that there were errors, but none were 
> found in the log file and it seems to work
> Thanks Manuel for your prompt and useful help.  Hope this summary 
> helps someone else!
> Paul
> Paul Vaska, Ph.D.
> Medical Department, Building 490
> Brookhaven National Laboratory
> Upton, NY 11973
> vaska at bnl.gov (631)344-6228 fax:(631)344-5311
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Manuel Bardiès
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