[gate-users] SPECT benchmark

Christian MOREL christian.morel at epfl.ch
Tue Jun 1 14:02:42 CEST 2004

Dear GATE Users,

Sébastien Jan has prepared a root macro (benchSPECT.C) to analyse the 
root output (benchSPECT.root) of the SPECT benchmark.

1) After processing successfully the SPECT benchmark, start root:

2) Run the root analysis program:
.x benchSPECT.C

3) As a result, it produces plots similar to those displayed in 
benchSPECT.gif and outputs similar to those stored in benchSPECT.log.

Best regards,

Christian Morel

P.S. The dowload gate_v1.0.tar.gz has been updated and contains these 
new analysis files

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Christian MOREL, PD, PhD
CH-1015 Lausanne

phone: +41 21 693 04 76
fax: +41 21 693 04 77
mobile: +41 79 292 80 70
email: christian.morel at epfl.ch
web: http://www-lphe.epfl.ch/~PET/

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