[gate-users] GATE and Geant 4.6

GUEZ David dguez at cea.fr
Wed Dec 29 11:58:10 CET 2004

Mutanga Theodore wrote:

>Hi ,
>I wish to find out if there are other deve´lopments in the new version of
>GATE apart from that it supports Geant4 6 .
>I have had a lot of trouble with getting a suitable output sinogram from
>the DST scanner, maybe there is something new to help out.

some developpement are in progress, and one of them could interest you....
In GATE, sinograms are made with hits position from GEANT4, so their
position are perfectly known. One can add a spatial resolution in order 
to blur
the sinogram, but a new module is developed, which allows, in a generic 
to apply the discretization corresponding to the crystal positions.
I don't know if this can help you, but who knows...

    Happy new year to all of you

    By, David

David GUEZ
mail : davguez at 9online.fr
web : perso.club-internet.fr/davguez

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