[gate-users] Which hardware for Gate?

Long ZHANG zhanglong99 at tsinghua.org.cn
Tue Dec 28 16:26:21 CET 2004

My computer:
Duron 1.8G
A highly intergrated mother board with video, sound and ethnet on board

The benchmark is a little better than Intel P4 2G.

I recommend large hard disk and compile Geant4 and Gate with Large File System
(LFS) support (Please refer to my previouse post).

In your mail:
>From:Manuel Bardiès <manuelbardies at mac.com>
>Reply-To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users <gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users <gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>Subject: [gate-users] Which hardware for Gate?
>Hi people,
>A friend of mine is going to ask for money to get a computer to run MC 
>codes (including Gate).
>He asked me what was the minimal hardware requirement.
>I already replied that it all depends of the goal, kind of modelling, 
>etc... but since I have no Intel/AMD machines in the lab, I was not 
>able to send him an 'average' configuration...
>Could you tell me what are the machines you would recommend ?
>Thank you,
>- And happy Xmas / new year to all :)
>Manuel Bardiès
>9 Quai Moncousu
>44093 Nantes cedex
>gate-users mailing list
>gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch

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