[gate-users] GATE and Geant 4.6

Christian MOREL christian.morel at epfl.ch
Fri Dec 24 16:07:33 CET 2004

Dear Users,

A new beta release of GATE updated to run with Geant4.6.2p02 by David 
Guez and Pierre-François Honore from CEA-DAPNIA, and by Sébastien Jan 
from CEA-SHFJ has been recently circulated within the OpenGATE 
collaboration and is currently under test. We expect to let this new 
release public beginning of next year after complete validation.

I take this opportunity to thank all users for their constructive 
collaboration through this mailing list and for making GATE a living 
and evolving simulation toolkit.

I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2005.

With kind regards,

Christian Morel
for the OpenGATE collaboration
Christian MOREL, PD, PhD
CH-1015 Lausanne

phone: +41 21 693 04 76
fax: +41 21 693 04 77
mobile: +41 79 292 80 70
email: christian.morel at epfl.ch
web: http://www-lphe.epfl.ch/~PET/

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