[gate-users] RE: GE Discovery ST

Mutanga Theodore muathe02 at student.umu.se
Wed Dec 22 12:09:34 CET 2004

Hello there

I write once again to ask about the technical details of the Discovery ST,
I have a design I have been using but I am not very sure if it is how the
Discovery ST is configured.

If you can tell me how the detector geometry is laid out I will be happy,
I know it has 24 crystal rings, with 420 detectors per crystal, I also
know that it has 6*6 crystals per block.But I am not sure how the blocks
are arranged into modules (buckets) in the axial and transaxial
directions, this is important to model the PM tube response.
I use STIR to reconstruct the images, but it seems I cannot get a suitable
interfile header file for use by STIR. Is it possible to have a sample
interfile header file from the DST scanner ?



 I will check.  I know we can archive sinograms but the name of the format
> is
> not mentioned any where.
> /Jan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mutanga Theodore [mailto:muathe02 at student.umu.se]
> Sent: den 15 december 2004 16:56
> To: Jan Axelsson
> Subject: RE: GE Discovery ST
> Hello ,
> Those are protocols used for importing and exporting data formats, it cold
> be used to import sinograms from my simulations for reconstruction on the
> Discovert ST.
> Regards
> Theodore
>> I don't know what IEImport/IEExport means.  Could you explain what it
>> is and why you need it?
>> /Jan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mutanga Theodore [mailto:muathe02 at student.umu.se]
>> Sent: den 15 december 2004 15:01
>> To: Jan Axelsson
>> Subject: RE: GE Discovery ST
>> Hello there and thanks for the reply.
>> Well about the administrative part I cannot say anything , I think
>> Lennart Johannsson or Mikael Karlsson have been in contact with you ?
>> I will like to have the phantoms in interfile format. Also I need to
>> knwo about the last two questions of my last mail ,(about image
>> reconstruction and IEImport and IEEexport protocols) if you don't
>> mind.
>> I will keep you informed about my progress
>> Regards
>> Mutanga Theodore
>>> Dear Mutanga Theodore,
>>> We have the folowing phantoms which we have performed a number of
>>> NEMA studies with.  We can export as DICOM and Interfile.  I have
>>> succesfully imported the DICOM files to JImage from NIH.
>>> Do we have an upcomming collaboration?
>>> I would be very interested to be informed about your results, and
>>> once the administrative parts are done I would be happy to assist you.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jan Axelsson
>>> NEMA 2001 Sensitivity phantom
>>> PET Sensistivity Phantom - NEMA 2001
>>> NEMA 2001 count rate phantom
>>> PET Scatter Phantom - NEMA 2001
>>> NEMA 94 (with and without inserts)
>>> <file:///C:/DOCUME~1/jana/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg
>>> >
>>> <file:///C:/DOCUME~1/jana/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image004.jpg
>>> >
>>> NEMA 2001 body phantom
>>> PET Phantom - NEMA/IEC 2001
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Mutanga Theodore [mailto:muathe02 at student.umu.se]
>>> Sent: den 14 december 2004 02:21
>>> To: Jan.Axelsson at uppsala.imanet.se
>>> Subject: GE Discovery ST
>>> Greetings
>>> I am a masters level student at Umeå University and I am currently
>>> doing a thesis on simulation of PET imaging using GATE. I will be
>>> simulating your scanner, the DST, my supervisor is Lennar Johansson.
>>> I will probably be coming to Imanet to do some runs on the scanner ,
>>> after passing through the necessary administrative routes that is.
>>> I would like to know some facts about the scanner and image
>>> reconstruction software. I would like to know what phantom you have
>>> got for quality assurance and checks.
>>> I need also to find out if the IEImport and IEEexport are implemented
>>> in the scanner station, they should be under protocols.
>>> Kindly forward this mail to someone who can give me the information
>>> should you not be disposed to give out such information.
>>> Regards
>>> Mutanga Theodore
>>> Department of Radiation Physics
>>> Umeå University

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