[gate-users] Image Reconstruction of Gate output

Nehmeh, Sadek/Medical Physics nehmehs at mskcc.org
Wed Dec 15 17:37:41 CET 2004


	Dear Gaters, in particular GE PET users,  

	Please find attached an image reconstruction tool for Gate root
output. First untar    
      Gate_Reconstrcution.tar (tar -xvf Gate_Reconstrcution.tar); you
should find the following files in 
      the Gate_Reconstrcution: 

	1- GEAdvance3D_Sinogram_Bin.c
	2- Gate_To_Stir.c
	3- few .par files for STIR based reconstructions
	4- README.txt

"GEAdvance3D_Sinogram_Bin.c" is mainly to read multiple .root files and
bin the data according to the GE Advance/DLS PET scanner. If to be used
for the GE DST, some defined variables at the beginning of the code need
to be modified according to the DST geometry. The DST geometry
parameters are included in the file. The binning formulations have been
approved by GE, and released under GE permission.

"Gate_To_Stir.c" reads the GE Michelogram, and writes it in STIR format
for the GE Advance, so that the final output may be reconstructed using

In README.txt I tried to describe step-by-step how to run these tools,
and reconstruct the Gate images with STIR. The attached .par files are
modified copies from the STIR "samples" directory.

"GEAdvance3D_Sinogram_Bin.c" also outputs the Gate data in a GE format
that may be imported to the GE PET scanner console for reconstruction.
If anybody is interested in doing that please le me know, so that I will
provide you with the couple additional tools.

Hope this will be helpful.

P.S. Kris, I would appreciate if you may take a look at my REAME.txt
file to make sure I'm not doing something     
     wrong when using STIR.



 Sadek A. Nehmeh, Ph.D.
 Assistant Attending Physicist
 Medical Physics Department
 Nuclear Medicine Service
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
 Tel: (212)-639-2175
 Email: nehmehs at mskcc.org

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