[gate-users] GATE on a 64 bit Laptop

Bing Bai bbai at sipi.usc.edu
Mon Dec 6 18:18:18 CET 2004

Hello Gaters,

Just want to share this with the community.
I got GATE running on my Compaq Presario R3000Z laptop, the machine has:
AMD Athlon 64 3700+
2GB DDR PC2600
SuSE Pro. 9.1
gcc 3.4.3 (installed separately)

The following softwares have been installed:
Geant 4.5.2, p02
DAWN 3.86a
ROOT 3.10
GATE 1.0.2 (with LMF and ECAT library from GATE website)

I had to modify some of the source code such as removing the extra `;' in 
Geant4 code and some other stuff. But finally it is passed.

The nice thing is: I run the benchmarkPET and it took only 3 hours and 40 
minutes! The CPU runs under 2.4GHz. I checked the results and they are all 
within 1% of the standard 
values given in the installation manual.

Hope GATE can work with Geant 4.6...


                   Bing Bai                        |
       Signal and Image Processing Institute       |
   Department of Electrical Engineering - Systems  |
         University of Southern California         |
            Los Angeles, CA 90089-2564             |
      Phone: (213) 740 6430 (O)                    |
      Fax:   (213) 740 4651                        |
      Email:  bbai at sipi.usc.edu                    |

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