[gate-users] PET simulations duration

pasantos at bwh.harvard.edu pasantos at bwh.harvard.edu
Fri Dec 3 21:23:12 CET 2004

Dear all,

I am trying to decide if I should use GATE to simulate PET acquisitions
with I-124 but, before I can actually install GATE and try it myself, I
would need to have an idea of the duration of a simulation either with
F-18 or I-124.

Could you experienced users please tell me what kind of workstations you
are using and how much time it takes to run a simulation of a determined
number of events considering simple object geometries?

I would really appreciate all the information you could provide me with.

Thank you in advance,

Paula Alexandra Santos
Brigham & Women's Hospital
TEL: 617 525 6629
FAX: 617 732 6695

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