[gate-users] Gate LMF-Sinogram (ECAT7) patch

Schmidtlein, Ross/Medical Physics schmidtr at mskcc.org
Mon Aug 16 17:08:30 CEST 2004

Hi Long,

I've attached a root program that reads the coincidence branch
information and uses the detector ID numbers to give a pair of crystal
numbers and a ring numbers for each coincidence event.  The program then
bins these positions into a block matrix of sinograms.  I think that
this approach has some advantages over using the xyz's as it handles
non-uniform angle conversions.  From Chris' email it sounds like it is
probably quite similar to what the STIR conversions do.  If I understand
the discussions so far, it sounds like Chris's conversions are clean and
well tested but require crystal and ring numbers that Gate doesn't
readily supply.  The root program I've attached I'm sure is not as clean
and well tested as the STIR code but it does have a translation from
rsector, module, submodule, and crystal ID's to crystal and ring #'s.
Maybe a combination of these two pieces of code will do the trick.



-----Original Message-----
From: gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
[mailto:gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch] On Behalf Of
null99 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 11:48 PM
To: gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
Subject: RE: [gate-users] Gate LMF-Sinogram (ECAT7) patch

Dear Schmidtlein,

Sorry for a null email, for a misoperation. :-(

Thank you for your interesting in this patch, and esp. your question and
your code. :-) I am really eager to see your code. Thank you! :-) The
patch uses uniform spaceing when building sinogram, but with no
weighting. It simply binning the events into unifromly spaced logical
detector ID by their position (x,y,z). (In my understanding, the (x,y,z)
position is of the detector ID uniquely specified by the Cylindrical
system's rsector, module, submodule, crystal ID, so weighting is a
must). I have had a glance at STIR's List data mode classes, it do the
similar work, but the list data is based on ECAT system and they have
(ring,detector) in nature. However, because of the similarity between
ECAT and Cylindrical systems, each logical (ring, detector ID) can have
a one-to-one relationship with a crystal in physical world by applying a
uniform angle conversion.

That's what implymented in the patch. Thank you! :-)



In your mail:
>From: "Schmidtlein, Ross/Medical Physics" <schmidtr at mskcc.org>
>Reply-To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users 
><gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>To: null99 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn,
  "GATE feedback and helpline for Users" <gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch>
>Subject: RE: [gate-users] Gate LMF-Sinogram (ECAT7) patch
>Hi Long,
> I've been listening to the discussions surrounding your implementation

> of sinogram output for cylindrical PET, and I am very interested in 
> seeing you produce these additions.  It is my impression that you're 
> using Claude's coincidence position binning strategy.  This strategy 
> works very well for uniformly spaced detectors, but if the detectors 
> are not uniformly spaced, the sinograms may be incorrect.  Non-uniform

> detector spacing is one of the advantages that the "Cylindrical PET" 
> system has over the "ECAT System".  The logical volume ID's can be 
> used to avoid this problem.  I have some code that is fairly general 
> that does this.  I'd be more than happy to send it if you think it 
> will help.
> I've glanced through your code and it looks like you have done a 
> really nice job. ;)
> Cheers,
> ross
> null99 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
>Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 12:09 PM
>To: gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
>Subject: [gate-users] Gate LMF-Sinogram (ECAT7) patch
>Dear all,
>This is the LMF to ECAT7 patch for Gate. Please refer to my previouse 
>E-mail for details.
>Something important:
>This version is an test version. It's aim is to provide a base for 
>other possible conversion. E.g. by using the root output. Also, I 
>looking forwards any questions, bug reports, or new idea of implement 
>the conversion. Questiones on conversion theory is esp. highly 
>appreciated! Thank you!
>1. patch it and recompile it.
>2. Run Gate on a existing Cylindrical PET system macro file (without 
>It will generate all kinds of output by default: ecat7 file, interfile 
>head, lmf file, lmf file header, and coincidence file.
>Because I am not sure that if my design philosophy valide (By 
>introducing logical rings and detector number for Cylindrical System, 
>which is, actually, very similiar to that of a ecat system). So the UI 
>command is not well supported at present. They might work, I haven't 
>test it yet.
>Thank you!
> =====================================================================
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>gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch 

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gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch

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