<div>Hi All,</div>
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<div>I was wondering if any of you can help me with creating a voxelized source from CT images. I am planning to assign activity to the voxelized phantom that was created from CT images. I tried to conver the CT images to interfile format using imageJ nucmed plug in. It, however, didn't work out. Upon running Gate source.mac, GATE complains about having 0 voxel matrix dimension. After changing the required matrix size, GATE complains that it cannot read the .img file. It just seems to me that the interfile conversion didn't work properly for the CT images. Please help. Thank you for your help!</div>
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<div>Here is my macro for the voxelized phantom</div>
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<div>/gate/world/daughters/name mousefemur<br>/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageNestedParametrisedVolume<br>/gate/mousefemur/geometry/SetImage ../data/mouse_femur.hdr<br>/gate/mousefemur/geometry/SetHUToMaterialFile ../data/Phantom2Mat.txt</div>
<div>/gate/mousefemur/geometry/TranslateTheImageAtThisIsoCenter 0 0 0 cm</div>
<div>/gate/mousefemur/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0 cm</div>
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<div>-511 0 Air<br>0 2 Body<br>2 27 Air<br>27 32 Air<br>32 253 Air<br>253 257 Bones<br>257 506 Air<br>506 510 Bones<br>510 7936 Air<br>-------------------</div>
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<div>And here is the macro for the voxelized source (it didn't work, of course)</div>
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<div>/gate/source/addSource betaminus voxel<br>/gate/source/betaminus/reader/insert image</div>
<div><br>/gate/source/betaminus/imageReader/translator/insert range</div>
<div>/gate/source/betaminus/imageReader/rangeTranslator/readTable ../data/range_source_femur.dat<br>/gate/source/betaminus/imageReader/rangeTranslator/describe 1</div>
<div>/gate/source/betaminus/imageReader/readFile ../data/mouse_femur.hdr (what type of file should I convert the CT image to?)<br>/gate/source/betaminus/imageReader/verbose 3</div>
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<div>-511 0 Air<br>0 2 Body<br>2 27 Air<br>27 32 Air<br>32 253 Air<br>253 257 Bones<br>257 506 Air<br>506 510 Bones<br>510 7936 Air<br></div>
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