Hello!<br><br>I have some problems with merging root files with filemerger after using jobsplitter. Sometimes it works, but for some files I get the error "no latest_event_ID histogram - exit!" and no merged file of course. <br>
<br>I think the problem is due to the fact that for some runs I get very large root files, so they are divided into many smaller ones. E.g. for two splitted files I get rootOut1_1, rootOut1, rootOut1_2 and rootOut2, rootOut2_1, rootOut2_2, as supposed to only rootOut1 and rootOut2. When using gjm it tries to merge rootOut1 and rootOut2, which I guess don't contain all information since they are only part of the files. <br>
<br>Has anyone any experience with this, or knows how to merge these type of files? thanks!<br>Ida <br><br>PS. I saw similar posts from April 2008 (<a href="http://lists.healthgrid.org/archives/gate-users/2008-April/002647.html">http://lists.healthgrid.org/archives/gate-users/2008-April/002647.html</a>) and Oct 2007 (<a href="http://lists.healthgrid.org/archives/gate-users/2007-October/002110.html">http://lists.healthgrid.org/archives/gate-users/2007-October/002110.html</a>) but I could not get to any scripts or really use anything for myself. <br>