<pre><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dear Gaters,<br>
I am having some troubles with Gate installed on a SGE Cluster. I manage to split my job, currently i am splitting the benchmarkpet.mac into two. <br>
Then jobs run well.<br>
The problem occurs while the merge of the .root files. I have an warning message that says that these split files are not properly closed and need for root to recover.<br>
Anyway i get one final benchmark.root file eventually.BUT the sum of these two files does not equal the final merged .root file!<br>
I wonder if anyone had anything like this before.<br>
Thank you for any help.<br>
</font>-- <br>
Dounia Taleb<br>
Imagerie medicale experimentale - Département de physique<br>
Université de Liège - Institut de Physique, B5<br>
B-4000 Liège 1 (Sart-Tilman) - Belgique<br>
Tel: +32-4-3663152</pre>
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