Hello all.<br><br> Plotting (time1-time2) for all the randoms coincidences, I notice that the lower value is a sharp cutoff (just as I expect) but the higher value is over and beyond the coincidence window. With my coincidence window set to 6 ns, I see (time1-time2) values as high as 89 ns. <br>
<br>I have plotted (time1-time2) and uploaded the plot here: <a href="http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/4598/gatetalkhm9.gif">http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/4598/gatetalkhm9.gif</a><br><br>The relevant lines from my digitiser are:<br>
<br>/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setWindow 6.0 ns<br>/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/minSectorDifference 7<br>/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/MultiplesPolicy takeAllGoods<br>/gate/digitizer/name delay<br>/gate/digitizer/insert coincidenceSorter<br>
/gate/digitizer/delay/setWindow 6.0 ns<br>/gate/digitizer/delay/setOffset 500.0 ns<br>/gate/digitizer/delay/MultiplesPolicy takeAllGoods<br><br><br>I am interested in knowing why I get randoms coincidences beyond the coincidence window. Thanks for any help.<br>
<br>Karthik. <br>