Hi Gate users<br><br>I'm currently to try to configure the moby phantom. I've tried some steps:<br>1) From the MOBY samp.par I use the default file to construct<br>./mphan_bin general.samp.par MOBYFileName<br>and build a 256x256x256 array<br>
2) The I use the source from <i>'' Fri Nov 23 09:56:09 CET 2007 Reading voxelized phantom as Interfile</i>" to change it from 32 to 16 bit<br>3 ) I modify the interfile *.h33, (Thanks a lot Mr Sakellios) to<br>
<strong><em></em><em></em></strong>!INTERFILE :=<br>!imaging modality := nucmed<br>!originating system := moby_phan<br>!version of keys := 3.3<br>date of keys := 1996:09:24<br>conversion program := (X)MedCon<br>program author := Erik Nolf<br>
program version := 0.7.4<br>program date := 2002:02:18<br>;<br>!GENERAL DATA :=<br>!data offset in bytes := 0<br>!name of data file := MOBYFileName16Bit.bin<br>patient name := hf<br>!patient ID := 271097<br>patient dob := 0000:00:00<br>
patient sex := Unknown<br>!study ID := voxel<br>exam type := 2D study<br>data compression := none<br>data encode := none<br>;<br>!GENERAL IMAGE DATA :=<br>!type of data := Tomographic<br>!total number of images := 256<br>
study date := 1997:11:28<br>study time := 00:00:00<br>imagedata byte order := LITTLEENDIAN<br>;<br>number of energy windows := 1<br>;<br>energy window [1] :=<br>energy window lower level [1] :=<br>energy window upper level [1] :=<br>
flood corrected := N<br>decay corrected := N<br>;<br>!SPECT STUDY (general) :=<br>number of detector heads := 1<br>;<br>!number of images/energy window := 1<br>!process status := Reconstructed<br>!matrix size [1] := 256<br>
!matrix size [2] := 256<br>!number format := unsigned integer<br>!number of bytes per pixel := 2<br>scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := +1.00000e+00<br>scaling factor (mm/pixel) [2] := +1.00000e+00<br>!number of projections := 1<br>
!extent of rotation :=<br>!time per projection (sec) := 0<br>study duration (sec) := 0<br>!maximum pixel count := +5.500000e+05<br>patient orientation := head_in<br>patient rotation := supine<br>;<br>!SPECT STUDY (reconstructed data) :=<br>
method of reconstruction := Unknown<br>!number of slices := 256<br>number of reference frame := 0<br>slice orientation := Transverse<br>slice thickness (pixels) := +1.00000e+00<br>centre-centre slice separation (pixels) := +1.0000e+00<br>
filter name := Unknown<br>filter parameters := Cutoff<br>method of attenuation correction := measured<br>scatter corrected := N<br>oblique reconstruction := N<br>!END OF INTERFILE :=<br>^Z<br><br>to produce my archive.mac.<br>
<br>5) The questions is, the range.dat. I have to build from the source organ.nrb, or from where? I have to try many forms and I couldn't to make it work.<br><br>Any one could to give me the correct configuration??<br>
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