Hi,all<BR> <DIV>I correct the macro file(such as myexample.mac) as Nicolas tell me,but there's another error,Here is my file(scatter.mac):</DIV> <DIV>/control/verbose 0</DIV> <DIV>#####################################<BR>#Choose the visualisation Parameters<BR>#####################################<BR>/vis/disable<BR>#/control/execute visu.mac</DIV> <DIV># W O R L D<BR>/gate/world/geometry/setXLength 400. cm<BR>/gate/world/geometry/setYLength 400. cm<BR>/gate/world/geometry/setZLength 400. cm</DIV> <DIV>/control/execute camera0.mac</DIV> <DIV>/control/execute phantom.mac</DIV> <DIV>/control/execute physics.mac</DIV> <DIV># I N I T I A L I Z E <BR>/gate/systems/cylindricalPET/verbose 0<BR>/gate/geometry/enableAutoUpdate<BR>/run/initialize</DIV> <DIV>/control/execute digitizer.mac</DIV> <DIV># V E R B O S I T Y<BR>/control/verbose 0<BR>/grdm/verbose 0<BR>/run/verbose 0<BR>/event/verbose 0<BR>/tracking/verbose
0<BR>/gate/application/verbose 0<BR>/gate/generator/verbose 0<BR>/gate/stacking/verbose 0<BR>/gate/event/verbose 0<BR>/gate/source/verbose 0</DIV> <DIV>/control/execute sources.mac</DIV> <DIV># O U T P U T </DIV> <DIV>/gate/output/verbose 0</DIV> <DIV><BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesAdderFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesReadoutFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesThresholderFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesUpholderFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileHitsFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileCoincidencesFlag 0</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>/gate/output/root/setFileName scatterBGO<BR>/gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/root/setRootSinglesFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/root/setRootCoincidencesFlag 1<BR>/gate/output/root/setRootdelayFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/root/setRootNtupleFlag 0<BR>/gate/output/root/setSaveRndmFlag 0</DIV> <DIV><BR># S T A R T
<BR>/gate/application/setTimeSlice 300. s<BR>/gate/application/setTimeStart 0. s<BR>/gate/application/setTimeStop 300. s<BR>/gate/application/startDAQ<BR></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>[guifenlin@server scatter]$ Gate scatter.mac</DIV> <DIV>*************************************************************<BR> Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-00-patch-02 (25-January-2008)<BR> Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration<BR> Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303<BR> WWW : <A
href="http://cern.ch/geant4">http://cern.ch/geant4</A><BR>*************************************************************</DIV> <DIV>Visualization Manager instantiating...<BR>Visualization Manager initialising...<BR>Registering graphics systems...</DIV> <DIV>You have successfully registered the following graphics systems.<BR>Current available graphics systems are:<BR> ASCIITree (ATree)<BR> DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE)<BR> G4HepRep (HepRepXML)<BR> G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile)<BR> RayTracer (RayTracer)<BR> VRML1FILE (VRML1FILE)<BR> VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE)<BR> OpenGLImmediateX (OGLIX)<BR> OpenGLStoredX (OGLSX)<BR> RayTracerX (RayTracerX)</DIV> <DIV>Registering model factories...</DIV> <DIV>You have successfully registered the following model factories.<BR>Registered model factories:<BR> generic<BR> drawByCharge<BR> drawByParticleID<BR> drawByOriginVolume<BR> drawByAttribute</DIV> <DIV>Registered
filter factories:<BR> chargeFilter<BR> particleFilter<BR> originVolumeFilter<BR> attributeFilter</DIV> <DIV>[GateSystemListManager::CheckScannerAutoCreation:<BR> Creating new system based on volume inserter 'cylindricalPET'<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Aluminium'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Tungsten'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'PTFE'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material
'BGO'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Glass'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'</DIV> <DIV>GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET'<BR>Components:</DIV> <DIV>GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/base'<BR>Attached to volume: cylindricalPET<BR>Nb of children: 1</DIV> <DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/rsector'<BR> Attached to volume: rsector<BR> Nb of children: 1</DIV>
<DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/module'<BR> Attached to volume: module<BR> Nb of children: 1</DIV> <DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/submodule'<BR> Attached to volume:
---<BR> Nb of children: 1</DIV> <DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/crystal'<BR> Attached to volume: crystal<BR> Nb of children: 4</DIV>
<DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/layer0'<BR> Attached to volume: ---<BR> Nb of children: 0</DIV>
<DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/layer1'<BR> Attached to volume: ---<BR> Nb of children: 0</DIV>
<DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/layer2'<BR> Attached to volume: ---<BR> Nb of children: 0</DIV>
<DIV> GATE object: 'systems/cylindricalPET/layer3'<BR> Attached to volume: ---<BR> Nb of children: 0<BR>geometrical design type: 1<BR>ring diameter: 93.108 cm<BR>rsector axial pitch: 0 fm<BR>rsector
azimuthal pitch: 6.42857 degree<BR>rsector tangential size: 4.998 cm<BR>rsector axial size: 15.204 cm<BR>module axial size: 5.048 cm<BR>module tangential size: 2.399 cm<BR>module axial pitch: 5.068 cm<BR>module tangential pitch: 2.599 cm<BR>submodule axial size: 5.048 cm<BR>submodule tangential size: 2.399 cm<BR>submodule axial pitch: 0 fm<BR>submodule tangential pitch: 0 fm<BR>crystal radial size: 3.002 cm<BR>crystal axial size: 8.22 mm<BR>crystal tangential size: 3.88 mm<BR>crystal axial pitch: 8.22 mm<BR>crystal tangential pitch: 3.88 mm<BR>Axial nb of rsectors: 1<BR>Azimuthal nb of rsectors: 56<BR>Axial nb of modules: 3<BR>Tangential nb of modules: 2<BR>Axial nb of submodules: 1<BR>Tangential nb of submodules: 1<BR>Axial nb of crystals: 6<BR>Tangential nb of crystals: 6<BR>Radial nb of layers: 0<BR>WARNING !<BR> SetCutValueForOthers became obsolete.<BR> It is harmless to remove this invokation without any side effects.<BR> This dummy method
implementation will be removed soon.<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Polyethylene'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'<BR> GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Water'.<BR> This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'<BR>Warning: the selected insertion name ('adder') was already in use.<BR>Name 'adder2' will be used instead.<BR>Nof Higher level 2<BR> Ignoring confine condition<BR>GateSourceMgr::ListSources: List of the sources in the source managaer<BR>Source --------------> F18LineSource<BR> ID : 0<BR> type :<BR> activity
(Bq) : 1e+06<BR> startTime (s) : 0<BR> time (s) : 0<BR> forcedUnstable : 1<BR> forcedHalfLife (s) : 6586.2<BR> verboseLevel : 0<BR>----------------------</DIV> <DIV>***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootdelayFlag 0> *****</DIV> <DIV>***** Batch is interupted!! *****<BR>Graphics systems deleted.<BR>Visualization Manager deleting...<BR>[guifenlin@server scatter]$<BR></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV><p> 
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